Saturday, September 12, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!!

Big 47 tomoz - expect it will rain - it always does!! Not had too much luck with birthday weather in the past. Last year was good. Went to a BBQ and sat out until the wee hours, but normally even here in Spain the summer ends and down comes the rain!!

I think inclement weather must be a problem for a lot of people whose birthday's fall on certain dates. There must be people out there who would love a birthday bash on the beach but it isn't going to happen in Blackpool if you were born in say, January - I shiver just to think about it!

Anyway, for this reason I think we should have two birthdays. An official one like Queen Elizabeth, god blesss her, and an unofficial, alternate birthday, for which we choose our own date each year. Hell I could swing it so it falls on my summer holiday - brilliant!

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