Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bar in Cadiz now reaches clients on line.

One of Olvera's most popular bar's, Mi Pueblo, now has it's own website. is the site's address. The website has been constructed jointly by Mojito design and Seonyx.Com, who have also been asked to do the online marketing for the site. Mi Pueblo's properietor Paco Medina Troya said his intention was to imitate the sandwich board that advertises events and special offers outside of the bar. This is acheived with a blogging engine that returns feeds back to the site.

Seonyx founder Steve Gould said that in addition he also provided the ability for Paco to update several menus and his drinks list using a customer built database backend. The text on the site can also be changed using a Jquery based content management system.

You can see from the screen shot on the left that the masthead graphic can be edited via the CMS. this mimics Paco's chalk board that he has outside the bar.

The CMS which is custom made by Seonyx uses the Jquery javascript library to make the editable areas 'clickable' by an administrative user with the appropriate privilages.

"One of the (many) nice things about Jquery is that it enables collections to be made from CSS selectors that can then be looped through. We use this to attach the javascript click events to the areas we want to make editable simply by giving them a class name." Once they are so identified it is a trivial matter to run them through a script which enables their contents to be linked to records in a database."

Bar mi Pueblo have also contracted Seonyx to handled the website's online visibility by handling the SEO for the site. This week Seonyx also won the contract to promote the ArtesanĂ­a del Prado pottery in Cadiz province. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

I’ve just installed Live Writer


Not sure what the point is but I’ll try anything once. First impression is that  it gives a more familiar Windows feel to the editing process. What value that will have to a seasoned blogger who has already gotten used to another interface isn’t very apparent. I can see a benefit if you are writing to multiple blogs with different interfaces though as then you only have one set of menus to learn your way around.

I see it allows for mutliple blog accounts, but I must try to find out how many. I had a bit of a problem with the full version of Outlook. When I got up to about 14 email accounts it wasn’t happy and became really sluggish during send and receive – then the error messages started so I thought bugger this for a game of soldiers and switched to emClient.