Friday, May 25, 2007


I'm having fits of giggling at the moment. I keep thinking back to what happened on the way to work this morning.

I saw my neighbour’s car, apparently abandoned at the side of the road. This is a blonde (with the big boobs) who shall remain namelss and who should have been doing a school run at the time. Just around the next bend I found her looking somewhat distressed. I wound the window down and she told me she was trying to help two dogs who seemed to have their bums stuck together!

We went over and sure enough, there were the two dogs, shaggy terrier types, bum to bum. They had obviously been copulating and had the knot still in.

Now the wretched business was over, the male had jumped down and managed to turn around. Although still bound at the groin, they were trying to escape their embarrassment by pulling away in opposite directions.

I explained to her as delicately as possible that this was a common problem and often happened when two dogs were mating. She looked at me with a puzzled expression and said

"Mating? What, facing away from each other?"

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