Saturday, December 4, 2010

Limewire says to close December 31 after legal battle | Reuters

Limewire says to close December 31 after legal battle Reuters:

"Limewire says to close December 31 after legal battle"

Bit of a shame for me as Limewire was the first P2P application I really got into - and I love Lime's.

I ditched it in the end because of an attrocious memory leak in one of the java libraries. Found out these were used by several other P2P applications as Limewire source was available and used by other developers. Anyway that aside Limewire was great and I'll remember it as the application/site that got me into the world of peer downloading.

How to make shedloads of money these days: Develop a P2P application that works under the radar, along the lines of Tor so these bastard law makers can go and shit in their hats!

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