Thursday, July 19, 2007

Mammoth Wasp

Mammoth Wasp
The little criter pictured on the left landed in my swimming pool for a drink and decided to stay. I mention it here because I was struck by the size of the chap and wanted to advise the unwary that this is a wasp and will sting. It is scolia flavifrons, the mammoth wasp (identified by my friend and widlife expert Judi Swift). I've since read elsewhere that they can grow even bigger than this - up to a couple of inches - and that the sting is more painful than you can imagine. Why they need to carry around an AA battery with them remains a mystery!


This should be straightforward but isn’t. If you delete a local file and it isn’t synchronised because you chose not to sync automatically or you don’t wish to sync manually because you are wary of overwriting something else, you may get a ‘widow’ file on the remote server. The windows->files panel when switched to remote view will reveal the file but there is no delete icon on the panel, nor is there an option on the first level of the right mouse button menu. You need to choose EDIT from the right mouse button menu and then you will find the option to delete. Why they do it like that I’ve no idea.