A rainy night in North London...
I took the picture on the right on 27 March 1987 at the Hare and Hounds pub. I can't believe it was over twenty years ago now. Anyway this is numero uno acoustic guitar solosist Adrian Legg before he got quite big in America.
I'd met Adrian previously when he was working as a techie/salesman for Rose Morris a couple of years before. Then he was working on a stand at the Sandown Park music show around about 1980. He was manning an exhibition stand flogging guitars and we struck up a conversation, during which I mentioned I played a bit of acoustic. I remember bragging a bit, saying I'd been working on some pieces where I keeping a pattern going while incorporating some string bends. Little did I know (nor did he crack on) that he was already the Master of the Universe at this sort of thing. Instead in his avuncular manner he suggested I stayed around to listen to the concert he was giving later. Foolishly I didn't. Some months later I got hold of his Technopicker album and was really put in my place.
Anyway I bumped into Adrian several more times doing shows around London. I remember seeing him demonstrating for Roland/Boss at the Surbiton Assembly Rooms. I remember afterwards asking him why a talented bloke like him was doing that sort of work and he took umbridge, saying that he was a professional musician and did whatever was necessary to support his art. Fair play to him! That was a rainy night too. I began to wonder if he arranged the rain for dramatic effect.